Awards Recognition Program
The Rotary District 6860 Awards Recognition Program is intended to recognize the accomplishments of Rotary and Rotaract clubs that excel during the 2024-2025 Rotary year. All Rotary and Rotaract Clubs in our district are encouraged to plan ahead and apply for awards… EVERYONE enjoys recognition for their efforts. AWARDS are the way we can say “Congratulations for a job WELL DONE!” from the district to the clubs! All district awards share a common due date of March 31, 2025, except the District Vocational Service Award which is due January 15, 2025. Please feel free to contact the Awards Co-Chairs PDG Pat Cross or PDG Sue Mitchell with any questions. For the purpose of applying for awards, a Small Club is defined as having 50 or fewer members and a Large Club is defined as having 51 or more members. TO SUBMIT APPLICATIONS contact Pat Cross for Postal or email instructions.
CITATIONS ROTARY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (RLI) Any club with a club member who completed the RLI 3 part course will be recognized. The RLI coordinator will provide the Awards Chair a list of clubs with Rotarians that have graduated from RLI during Rotary year 2024-2025. ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS (RYLA) A District Citation will be presented to all Clubs who recruit and send one or more students to the annual District 6860 RYLA Program. The RYLA coordinator will provide a list of clubs sponsoring participants to the Awards Chair. INTERACT CLUB SPONSORS A District Citation will be presented to clubs that sponsored new Interact Clubs in 2024-2025. ROTARACT CLUB SPONSORS A District Citation will be presented to clubs that sponsored new Rotaract Clubs in 2024-2025. CLUB VISIONING A District Citation will be presented to clubs that participated in Club Visioning in 2024-2025.
BOILING ‘N BRAGGING A District Citation will be presented to clubs that participated in Boiling ‘N Bragging ‘24 through financial support, participation in the cornhole tournament or volunteering at the event. DISTRICT CITATION FOR VIBRANT CLUBS A District Citation will be presented to clubs that have demonstrated excellence in the five areas of service plus membership, public image, and support of The Rotary Foundation. All clubs meeting the criteria will be recognized. The Vibrant Club Award Application is required.
AWARDS DISTRICT VOCATIONAL SERVICE AWARDS Recognize, each Rotary year, one Non-Rotarian person in District 6860 and one D-6860 Rotarian for Vocational Service on a District, State, Regional, National, or World basis (i.e. vocational service recognized significantly beyond the territory of a club). You can find more detail on the nomination and selection procedure HERE. The Annual Award is based on recognition for excellence in representing and performing in a vocation with recognition of achievement significantly beyond one club or territory. To make application for this award you may download the Vocational Service Award Application. This application deadline is early and should be made to the Chair, Council of Governors (COG), PDG Harold Lewis by January 15, 2025. The COG will make the final selection. In the unlikely event there is not a qualified nominee, as deemed by the COG, the award(s) will not be presented. TOM MILFORD SERVICE ABOVE SELF The Tom Milford Service above Self Award will be awarded annually at the District 6860 conference. The award will recognize a District 6860 Rotarian who has exemplified “Service above Self” during the Rotary year. The current district governor will not be eligible for the award during their year of service. All other Rotarians in District 6860 will be eligible for consideration. Each club’s “Rotarian of the Year” should be an ideal candidate for the award. Please use the Tom Milford Award Suggestion Form to submit your suggestion. All suggestions must be received by the District Governor by March 31, 2025. The recipient will be selected by the District Governor.
OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AWARD Awarded to a member of the District Leadership Team who demonstrates outstanding qualities of leadership during the current Rotary year. No application required. Recipient will be selected by the District Governor.
AVENUES OF SERVICE AWARDS (Use the Standard Award Application to apply for these.) Club Service: This “Avenue” promotes the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. It involves the activities necessary to make the Club function successfully and achieve its goals.
Club Vocational Service: This “Avenue” represents the opportunity that each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s vocation as an opportunity to serve society. Rotarians promote and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and promote the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations.
Community Service This “Avenue” relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. Particular emphasis is given to helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and others in great need of assistance. Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.
International Service In this “Avenue” of service, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people across the globe, with particular emphasis on the most vulnerable children and families in developing countries.
Youth Service Youth Service acknowledges the positive change implemented by youth involved in leadership development activities, community and international service, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.
BEST USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA (Use the Standard Award Application to apply.)
THE MAGIC OF ROTARY AWARD: (Use the "Magic of Rotary" Application to apply.) What are examples where your club has sparked the Magic of Rotary through providing encouragement, growth, engagement, and unlocking new potential in any of the following areas? · What is Your Club Known For? (Service: Local and/or International) · Membership Growth & Engagement · The Rotary Foundation (Giving & Grant Participation) · Empowerment of Youth |