What Is The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)?
RLI is a multi-district leadership and Rotary development program using facilitation in small groups to engage Rotarians and strengthen clubs. RLI is a recommended program of Rotary International but is not an official program of Rotary International and is not under its control. The Mission of RLI is that as a grassroots, multi-district leadership development program, it is intended to strengthen Rotary clubs through quality leadership education. The leadership of District 6860 understands that there are several ways to develop good leadership within our Rotary clubs and also within our business experiences. Leadership within our Rotary club differs in that we are leading volunteers, individuals who wish to serve humanity by doing good in the world. RLI attempts to prepare Rotarians to lead these dedicated individuals for “Service Above Self”. Please consider becoming a participant in the RLI program. RLI is for all Rotarians and non-Rotarians as well., Anyone who is interested in becoming a better leader and learning much more about Rotary. The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) was first adopted by our district during PDG Tom Milford’s term and continues to be an excellent way in which to develop leaders within our clubs. PDG Bo Porter and PDG Tom Greene, both from our district, continue to work at the district and zone levels to provide quality leadership experiences for those who choose to participate. RLI consists of 3 sessions, with session 1 including the following topics: Insights Into Leadership My Rotary World Ethics – Vocational Service Foundation I: Our Foundation Engaging Members Creating Service Projects. What are the costs? The cost is $50.00 per session. RLI, Part I and RLI, Part II are scheduled for Friday, February 1, 2019 at the Gardendale Civic Center beginning with registration at 8:30 am. All materials, continental breakfast and a box lunch is included in the cost of each session. Our day ends at 4:00 p.m. with wrap up and evaluation. The location of Part I and Part II is in Gardendale at the Gardendale Civic Center. What about registration? Registration is available through our District Calendar, DACdb. Please call PDG Sue Mitchell (256-345-6241) for help in registering or for any questions. We plan to offer Parts II and III, jointly with Rotary District 6880, on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at District Conference in Birmingham at the Marriott Grandview. Registration for April 25th will be available at a later date. Where can I learn more? - www.rotaryleadershipinstitute.org This program has a proven, successful, 20+ year track record. Please help us share that success with the deserving Rotarians in this district. Successful implementation of this program, in large part, depends on you. You are encouraged to immediately identify one or more candidates within your club and get them started in the program. Thank you for all you are doing for Rotary and your consideration of this opportunity! |