Rotary District 6860

Governor's Message

Welcome to a truly magical year of Rotary in North Alabama.  The Rotary Clubs in our District have a strong tradition of service to our communities and our world, and our Rotarians serve as a testament to the highest ideals of our organization.  District 6860 has represented well, providing 4 past Rotary International Presidents among other Rotary leaders and People of Action, and all our Rotarians serve as outstanding ambassadors wherever they serve, at home or abroad.

Rotary International President Stephanie A. Urchick has chosen her theme for 2024-25 as “The Magic of Rotary.”  She has explained that The Magic of Rotary can encourage whatever drives our local clubs. We can “grow The Magic of Rotary,” if we are adding new members to our family.  We can “unlock The Magic of Rotary” if we are unlocking the power of women and our youth. We can “advance The Magic of Rotary” if we are fundraising to create positive change in the world.

A top priority of President Stephanie this year will be peacebuilding.  One of Rotary’s chief programs in this realm is the Rotary Peace Fellowship; a product of The Rotary Foundation that began more than 20 years ago to help end and prevent conflict.  Rotary Peace Centers are located at eight leading universities around the globe and have graduated more than 1,800 peace fellows who are now working in more than 140 countries toward a better world.  The newest center, in Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul, Turkey, will see its first class of fellows arrive in early 2025.

We serve in a time when our divided world needs us most; what an amazing time to serve as a Rotarian.  Knowing that we can truly make a difference in the lives of those in our communities as well as those somewhere in the world whom we may never even meet is truly empowering.  We can all ask ourselves and our Clubs what we can do to advance peace and good will where it is needed most.  We can work together as People of Action to finally eradicate Polio from every part of the world.  Ask how you can support our Rotary Foundation in order to fund grants back to your community, support peacebuilding around the world, and end polio now.  Through your generosity of both your valuable service and donations, we collectively have the power to achieve great goals and tackle tremendous challenges. 

If we really want to experience Rotary Making a Difference in our communities, in our World, it is up to us.  It is our Rotary job and joy to Be the Inspiration for amazing new grants and projects in our hometowns and abroad.  For Rotary to be able to truly Connect the World we have to first unite with other Clubs. Rotary Opens so many Opportunities for us to Serve to Change Lives.  If we can Imagine Rotary, Creating Hope in the World… then together we will truly become The Magic of Rotary

David W Allgood
District Governor 2024-25
Rotary District 6860

North Alabama, USA

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